Thursday, June 27, 2013

Give a little... Get A lot

Giving gifts as inspired by the Holy Spirit is not like the giving as the world can gives in which the giver loses as he gives the gift and the taker is richer by the giver's loss. Such are not gifts but bargains made with guilt. To give as God gives we understand that whatever we give with a pure and cheerful heart we are giving to ourselves, and more. 

Giving is more than just about the stuff we give. Deep down I think we all know that. Even though we may offer an object or service... it's meaning is more. Giving can be a symbol to others of acceptance, affirmation and caring... and frequently, love. But stuff is not love, acceptance or caring so we must be sure not to confuse this or we may unknowingly settle for a shallow substitute!

We must always remember that these gifts cannot create love, but must come through love! True love cannot ever come from stuff but from the heart, or more accurately through the heart of God!

It is this Spiritual law that fulfills God's mission to bring us to Him... and bring Him to all in need. He blesses us for listening to His call of Love and we are rewarded for our efforts. Whatever we are able to give to the world through Him is multiplied. His supply of blessings is as unending as His Love.

We are all a vine with many branches. Through us He can reach others. Through us is shared many blessings and gifts to a broken, confused, and hurting World. By giving these gifts we then receive Him and his Love more and more.

God thereby gives to us by giving through us. Within this law true joy is found, although it contradicts our Earthly reasoning. Yet, His way is not the way of this world. With the greatest of love... God would not arrange this any other way.

  Acts 20:35In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ 

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